Incorporated Management Committee

Chairlady of Po Leung Kuk & PLK Schools' Supervisors Committee: Mrs. Helena C. Y. TUNG PONG

Category of Managers Name of Managers
Sponsoring Body Manager

Mrs. Emily H Y TANG (School Supervisor)

Mr. Quincy K Y LUI, BBS, SBStJ

Ms. Carmen K M CHOI

Mr. Timothy T C CHAN, IDSM

Mr. Nathan W K AU

Ms. Loretta Y M LAM

Mr. Mars C H LAM

Alternate Sponsoring Body Manager Ms. Florence H Y CHAN
Principal (Ex.officio Manager) Mr. Kenneth C K WONG
Teacher Manager Ms. M M CHIU
Alternate Teacher Manager Ms. H T WONG
Parent Manager Ms. P Y YEUNG
Alternate Parent Manager Mr. F K CHAN
Alumni Manager Mr. C W LEE
Independent Manager Dr. Tony N K TONG