School Events

2023-2024 S3 Students & Parents’ Talk 1

The first S.3 Students & Parents’ Talk was held at the college on 8th November 2023. The activities organized by the Career Guidance Committee (CGC) were introduced to students and parents. Teachers from Po Leung Kuk Vicwood K.T. Chong Sixth Form College were invited to introduce the information about promoting to SFC. A sharing on career information was given. Both parents and students were satisfied with the useful information in the talk.

Teachers from KTC shared the expectations on the new S4 students and the promoting criteria.

Talk: Know our elections

On 8 November 2023, the Moral, Civic & National Education Committee (MCNEC) invited the Registration and Electoral Office to give a talk about election in Hong Kong. The guest speaker shared about the basic information of the election system in Hong Kong. A mini election game was held and students were invited to be the candidates and the voters. Students learnt the importance of election through the interesting game.

The topic of the talk was “Know our elections”.

Spooky Fun at PLKTNKJSC's Halloween Activity Day

Our College was buzzing with excitement as students and staff celebrated Halloween with a thrilling Activity Day on 8 November 2023. The school's gymnasium was transformed into a spooky wonderland, with eerie decorations and jack-o'-lanterns casting a haunting glow. Students eagerly participated in a range of engaging activities, including a costume photo-taking booth, tongue twister, and a thrilling ghost shooting booth. The laughter and screams of delight filled the air as everyone enjoyed games like "Candy Guessing" challenge.

Candy guessing game

2023 MakeX Robotics Competition Hong Kong

Our robotics team has successfully defended our titles in the 2023 MakeX Robotics Competition Hong Kong held on 27 October and 4 November 2023. Our four teams completed the preliminary round with flying colours and entered the final as the highest scoring teams. In the alliance mission in the final round, the two alliances formed by our own teams captured the Champion and 1st Runners-up, taking home also the Overall Champion School in the secondary division.

Our robotics team members have captured the Overall Champion School in secondary division again!

Teacher Training: Early Identification and Handling of Suspected Child Maltreatment Cases

A talk for teachers on the early identification and handling of suspected child maltreatment cases was conducted on 2/11/2023. Ms. Iris Lau from Children & Youth Services of PLK shared information about the Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Bill. This was followed by our school social workers, Ms. Ho and Mr. Kwan, who discussed the types of child abuse and provided insights on early identification and handling of suspected child maltreatment cases.

Ms. Iris Lau is sharing information about the Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Bill.

The 20th Annual General Meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association

The 20th Annual General Meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association was held successfully on 3rd November 2023. First of all, our Principal, Mr. Wong Chung Ki, gave all parents a warm welcoming speech to express his appreciation to the PTA for collaborating with the school last year. Then, the Chairperson of the 19th PTA, Miss Yeung Po Yan, presented the Annual Report. Next, the treasurer of the 19th PTA, Miss Kwan Tsui Man, presented the Financial Report.

For the opening speech, Principal Wong expressed his gratitude to the PTA for working with the school last year.

Visit to the City University of Hong Kong

In order to help students prepare for different career paths, the Careers Guidance Committee arranged a visit to the City University of Hong Kong during their info day. During the visit, students interviewed university students about the entrance requirements and obtained important information related to different programs. They also had the chance to have a short school tour around the university campus. In general, students behaved well. The trip was inspiring and motivates students to work harder to achieve their goals.

Students have a big photo together!

Talk: Emotion and Health

On 6 October 2023, the Discipline Guidance Committee (DGC) and the Moral, Civic & National Education Committee (MCNEC) invited Po Leung Kuk (Student Support Services) to give a talk about emotion and health. The concept of emotional health was introduced to S3 students in order to raise students’ awareness of emotional health. Students learnt to assess their own emotional health.

The topic of the talk was “Emotion and Health”.

Lunch Booth game: Positive Psychology

On 6 October 2023, Po Leung Kuk (Student Support Services) collaborated with the Discipline Guidance Committee and the Moral, Civic and National Education Committee to promote "Positive Psychology". Different booth games were organized for students to relieve their stress in a fun way. Students enjoyed the activities and the moment playing with their classmates.

A student was reading the information about the positive psychology and doing the mini quiz game.
