School Events

Teaching Mission in China

Members of the Community Services Team participated in the Teaching Mission in China during 17th March to 20th March, 2016. Students prepared different activities for students in China and conducted home visits to have a better understanding about their situations. Students performed well during that period and most of them reflected that they were in paradise when compare with students in China. Some of them learnt that they should treasure what they have already owned and understood the importance of volunteer services.

Students are visiting the LianNan NanGang Yao Village to know more about the Yao culture.

Mainland Study Tour (S.2)

Three S.2 classes (2P, 2A & 2B) have just visited Guangzhou for the Life-wide Learning Day activity in the second term. They visited different companies in our home country. All the students found the tour meaningful and interesting.

Our students played with the mainland students happily.

Mainland Study Tour

In order to explore our home country, 1C, 1B and 1E students went to Guangzhou for life wide learning. To know more about the Chinese traditional culture, our students have a chance to visit various traditional buildings. The students enjoyed the tour very much.

Life-wide Learning Day - 1P/1A/1B

In order to promote a sense of moral and civic awareness of our students, a Discipline and Moral Training Course was held on 20th May for classes 1P, 1A and 1B students. Through the activities, students gained valuable experience with lots of positive feedback on the day.

The group photos after participated a half day training.

English Drama Performance

The English Drama Performance was held on 16th May, 2016. Each of the Form three classes has prepared a short drama to show us what they have learnt in the drama lessons.

The MCs are working together to get the audience excited about the show.

Life-wide Learning Day - African Drums Workshop

Two classes of S.3 students joined the African Drums workshop on 20 May, 2016. Apart from playing drums, the workshop also helped enhance students' creativity, leadership and team spirit. Students found the two-hour drumming experience exciting and unforgettable. For many students, this was their first time they had played the drums with their schoolmates together and enjoyed African dancing and singing culture with native African tutors.

We are ready to play the African drums.
