School Events

School Picnic Day (F.1)

The school picnic (F.1) was scheduled on November 13 this year. All Form 1 students went to Po Leung Kuk Pak Tam Chung Holiday Camp on that day. Surrounded by hills and trees, the campsite is a fantastic spot for students to enjoy the natural environment. Apart from that, students also took full advantage of the recreational facilities there.

Students enjoyed all kinds of recreational facilities there.

Life-wide Learning Day - PE Boxing

The classes 3D and 3E girls joined a boxing workshop promoted by the Hong Kong Boxing Association (HKBA) and the School and Community Development Programme. The workshop provided the students with an excellent opportunity to learn more about the sport and an understanding of a ring sport. The students thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and the chance to try the sport of boxing.

Introduction of the workshop.

Life-wide Learning Day (Eco Home)

Class 3B and 3C visited the China Light Power Eco Home on November 20th.

They have learnt lots of power saving knowledge.

And they enjoyed this visit with interesting.

Life Wide Learning - National Education Day Camp

This program was a discipline and moral training course which aimed at promoting the sense of moral and civic awareness of our students. The program was organised by Civil Education Resource Centre, which provides National Education and Moral Education.

The students are so eager to learn more about national education.

Inter-School Cross-Country Competition 2015-2016

Inter-School Cross-Country Competition 2015-2016 was held on 18 November at Aberdeen Reservoir. It was organized by the Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Secondary Schools Regional Committee.23 students joined the competition. Cheung Hiu Hong of class 2B was the Sixth in the Boys C Grade Individual competition.

The boys look relaxed before the competition.

School Picnic (F2 and F3)

The school picnic (F.2 and F.3) was scheduled on November 13 this year. All Form 2 and Form 3 students went to Butterfly Bay Park on that day. Despite the occasional rain, all students and teachers had a fun and wonderful picnic day!

The boys were having an exciting football match.

(2015-16) The 12th PTA AGM

The 12th Parent Teacher Association Annual General Meeting was held at the school hall on 6th November, 2015. All principals, teachers and over 70 parents of all forms (S1 - S3) of students joined the meeting. The event began with the Principal's speech, followed by a report on President's duty and PTA's financial situation, a talk about school health programme and the election of new parent committees for the coming year's PTA.

Our Principal, Mr. Wong Chung Ki, started the meeting by emphasizing the importance of cooperation between parents and school.

CGC - Visit to The University of Hong Kong

As part of students' Other Learning Experiences (OLE), the Careers Guidance Committee organized a visit to the University of Hong Kong on 7th November,2015. We believe that by giving students a better understanding of the bachelor degree courses and life planning, we might properly equip them for the future.Our visit included the following activities: collection of information from booths in main campus, visit Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, a tour of the Clinical Skills Demonstrations and a tour around the hostel.

Students had an eventful day and they enjoyed the visit.
